Wednesday, June 8, 2011

Inner Turmoil

Shoulder Devil: Blogging is fun!
Shoulder Angel: You do realize that I have a final in 7 hours right? and a not even close to done paper also due at the same time?

Shoulder Devil: I do realize that, I'm not an idiot. If I don't get these thoughts out of my head, they will just keep distracting me. So technically this IS working.
Shoulder Angel: That's so not true. I'm just procrastinating.

Shoulder Devil: But my teacher is leaving me alone for the entire second half of the test so I can just cheat my way through it. And the paper is so close to done! Besides, my teacher will probably give me until the end of the day to finish it.
Shoulder Angel: That means I need to have NOTES to cheat off of, which I DON'T HAVE! And while that may be true about the teacher giving me more time, do I really want to be spending the first afternoon of summer break writing a paper that was technically due a week ago?

Shoulder Devil: Look! I'm downloading the PDFs of the information that the will be on the test. I'll read over it, but notes take too long. Reading it will give me most of the basics and then I'll know where to find the rest. Plus, writing the paper taught me most of it anyway. And while that's unfortunate about working on Wednesday, it may be the best chance I have to write an awesome paper. Better than rushing it tonight anyway....
Shoulder Angel: Ok fine, the downloading to phone was good. The paper though... that's what I told myself when I asked for the extension a WEEK AGO. That if I had just ONE more day, it'd be amazing! This teacher is going to be fed up with me taking advantage of his generosity.

Shoulder Devil: Well the class is over tomorrow, so that really doesn't matter. And I think we both know that if I just buckled down, I could fix that paper up in like 3, 4 hours tops.
Shoulder Angel: When have I ever been able to just BUCKLE DOWN? And this teacher could totally write me an awesome recommendation if I do. It's important that I don't piss him off.

Shoulder Devil: There's totally at least one time I've done that successfully! .... I just can't think of it right now.
Shoulder Angel: I'm done discussing this. Get to work on that damned paper and reading the notes. There are only 7 hours!

Shoulder Devil: But I don't give a shit. I'm not going to need a rec from him.
Shoulder Angel:

Shoulder Devil: I'm emotionally distraught right now!
Shoulder Angel:

Shoulder Devil: But she has a gf! I was really counting on this to get over my ex!
Shoulder Angel:

Shoulder Devil: I keep thinking about my ex and her new bf and it's making me nauseous!
Shoulder Angel:

Shoulder Devil: I have ADD! School is for the linear type thinkers.
Shoulder Angel:

Shoulder Devil: I have depersonalization disorder! This isn't even real!
Shoulder Angel:

Shoulder Devil: I hate you.
Shoulder Angel: You're such a broken record. Get over it and get to work.

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